Buttery Smashed Potatoes with Burrata



Prep Time

5 minutes

Cooking Time

20 minutes


  • 1 bag of baby potatoes (24 oz bag)

  • 1 stick of butter (4 oz)

  • 3 cloves of garlic finely sliced

  • 2 tsp of cumin seeds

  • 2 tsp of thyme

  • 1.5 tsp of crushed kasuri methi

  • 2 tsp of freshly crushed black pepper

  • salt to taste

  • 1 2oz container of Burrata

  • 3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar

Buttery smashed potatoes with burrata is a heavenly side if you like butter, potatoes, and burrata! If you follow me on Instagram, you will know that I absolutely love Indian food! When I thought of making this dish, I knew I had to add an Indian spin to it. This dish is a perfect addition to your Thanksgiving menu but can be made all year round.

This dish is swimming in flavors like garlic, thyme, cumin, and some kasuri methi (dried fenugreek leaves). Your house will smell heavenly when you make this side dish and your taste buds will be dancing with all the amazing flavors.

It can easily be made into a vegan dish by substituting the butter with vegan butter.

How do I make buttery smashed potatoes with burrata?

This recipe is fairly easy to make and doesn’t require any hard work. I buy baby potatoes and cook them in the microwave (no need to waste another pot to boil them). While the potatoes cook, I quickly make my buttery and garlicky sauce and drizzle over the cooked potatoes, and bake for 20 minutes. I then top off each potato with a big helping of burrata and drizzle it with balsamic vinegar.

Which potatoes do I use for this recipe?

The best potatoes for the buttery smashed potatoes with burrata recipe are the Yukon Gold baby potatoes. They crisp up really well and have a very buttery and creamy texture and taste. You can also use Russett potatoes but they are more starchier and will not be as soft or creamy.

Can I add my own seasoning to the buttery sauce?

Yes, absolutely! You can add any seasoning and spices to the buttery sauce. I added garlic, cumin seeds for the earthy flavor, thyme, kasuri methi, salt, and pepper.

  1. Wash the baby potatoes and cook them in the microwave for approximately 8 minutes (exact time will depend on your microwave but it took me 8 minutes to cook them in my microwave)
  2. While the potatoes cook, melt 1 stick of butter in a pan and add cumin seeds. As soon as the start to sputter, add in garlic, thyme, salt, pepper and kasuri methi and cook for 45 seconds (don’t burn the butter or garlic). Set aside
  3. Drain the liquid from the burrata container and roughly cut it using a sharp knife
  4. Once the potatoes are cooked, transfer them to a baking tray. Smash the potatoes sing the back of a cup or a small bowl. They don’t have to perfect
  5. Drizzle the buttery liquid all over the potatoes (reserve some for garnish) and bake at 400 degress for 15 minutes or till the potatoes are golden brown
  6. Immediately top each potato with a generous amount of burrata and drizzle with the buttery liquid and balsamic vinegar
  7. Serve immediately and enjoy!


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